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The Dragons of The Enchanted Forest

There are three distinct dragon types in the world. In the west, the dragon breathes fire and represents evil and chaos. The earliest known western dragon legend is of the Sumerian dragon, Zu, who stole the tablets of law that maintained order in the universe. The western dragon is often a representation of the battle between good and evil, such as in stories of St. George and the dragon. In psychological terms, it is the dragon we must battle in order to reach greater self awareness and inner peace.

In the east, the dragon is a benevolent and magical creature. Those born in the year of the dragon are considered blessed. The dragon represents greatness, goodness and the power to overcome all obstacles to achieve success. It is intelligent, beautiful and noble. Because of their power to resolve the conflicts of opposites, dragons are symbols of unity. Royalty in both Japan and China trace line lineage back to dragons in some way.

In native American legends, some dragons are benevolent and some are destructive. In some Central American legends, dragons shared their knowledge and wisdom with the people, bringing writing, music, dance and agriculture.

The dragons of The Enchanted Forest are raised from eggs and imprinted to humans at birth. Our western dragons offer their strength with a hint of the mischievous, and are guaranteed not to bite, eat small children or pets, or set your house on fire. The eastern dragons offer their wisdom and blessings to all those willing to quiet their mind and listen to their inner selves.

Because dragon eggs are difficult to come by, the number of dragons available at any one time is limited, vary in price and size, and special orders may take a little longer. Most dragons are available for $135 each which includes packing and shipping. Start your order on the dragon ordering page.